Year: 2013 Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime Director: Robert Schwentke Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Jeff Bridges, Mary-Louise Parker |
Review: I?? the trailer, I had high hopes for that?? film will break from ekstravaganti?? Kumo presents with great humor and a unique premise. Unfortunately, this was the one i?? those cases where the trailer is better than the movie itself.To be fair, the movie has its moments. Comedy has never made me laugh out loud, but there are funny lines and situations for everyone. Some are listed in? most hilarious moments I?? between characters and clever gag where everyone sees it as different?? interaction measures. As far as the action takes place, is quite a lot of mass destruction and the shoot-out and fighting for both. It's very manic, over-the-top and outlandish cartoon. The overall tone feels really smooth, the film was quite serious at times emotionless others, while the rest of the time. Huh?? never dull, but a?? never at all? "when u?? practice this sport or invested in things.It is a shame, because the film has some unique ideas here and there. The total space of the deceased police department is pretty neat, they use a lot of interesting weapons, and they are really interesting ideas and rules. It's a strange world, where Indian food is caused by a common dead horse resistance?? Inim fur samples (if you remember Van Helsing, with Mr. Hyde started?? Successfully concluded ... almost all the monsters appear, perhaps the cross?? Minami zombies with i?? I Am Legend). Everyone believes that the two main persona € ™ s how hot?? Blonde chick and the old Chinese dude. Sounds fun, right? For whatever?? Asti, it comes off as an unnecessary attempt to create i?? comedy strange, it worked so well in black men movies, but it all depends on the apartment and RIPD.The overall story is pretty fast and compact?? anything. It is a fine enough job to introduce the characters, slap them together, and try to have some dynamic chemistry between them. However, the plot is fairly common, and never the time to really invest the audience in the world it depicts. It shows just enough plot to work, but it is NEPA?? Kina much, never rely on things briefly touches, and we never care.The film uses a very stylish camera movements, fast zoom, and slow-motion effects, can look really cool or really stupid . Editing is good overall. Acting is a mixed bag: Ryan Reynolds weird motherboard? EMPTY and emotionless throughout, I?? Except a few love scenes, and Jeff Bridges steals?? Ou again the role that almost seems like a parody of his role in the i?? True Grit. Kevin Bacon is pretty much the same, and a?? love?? View Mary-Louise Parker. R? Save is not so great. ?? Okay i use the output sets, props and costumes. The special effects look cool, but the cheap side. The music is hip and fun.In the end, huh?? could not help but think of other movies, and how much better they are than ripd. Stories involving parallel worlds between life and death in the world, huh?? could not help but think that the Bleach anime have been a better story, and Dead Like Me TV series was funnier. For? Accuracy of this concept of the perfect combination of comedy and action, the two Hellboy movies are all? "When ineffective. For the history of the comic book-inspired performance after?? Local view antgamti?? Without the general public who is not?? I know three men in black movie succeeds best ripd tried to do but failed. And even with the highest standards CIO, death threats, and move the end of the world, huh?? could not help but remember how much better was the ghost?? this area. Ripd even for a short staircase?? Tukas, which reminds me of GB. All of this comes recommended, but not ripd much.Given poor box office reception, I think its safe to say that the rest of the piece ripd buried?? Alia, the same limit as Jonah Hex photos and Priest.3 / 5 (Average Entertainment | History : Walls | Film: Medium)